Sunday, November 14, 2010

I'm Back--An Update

Our six week vacation came to an end and now we are back home. Here's an update:
  • Our house is going back on the market on Wednesday. I can't wait to be "home free" (note I didn't say "homeless"!).
  • I had a "come to Jesus" meeting with the Executive Board of the organization I contract with. Instead of accepting my letter terminating my contract with them, they overwhelmingly wanted me to stay. I thought I was in the Twilight Zone! But at least a significant part of my income will remain in tact for now.
  • Oddly enough, when the Board went into Executive session to discuss me, I got a phone call with a job offer from a friend, completely out of the blue. Serendipity? Or the universe applauding my bravery?
  • I had the opportunity while we were on vacation to barter a couple of jobs. I did some web design work for a couple of businesses and ended up with a handful of spa passes and a dozen Christmas trees. I love bartering!
  • We are building up our savings and hope to go to Asia in December.
  • When we got back from vacation, I came back to a full slate of meetings and a huge amount of responsibilities that I had got used to now worrying about when I was gone. I can't wait to move to a more location independent lifestyle a la this article.
  • Finally, now that I have time to kick back and surf the 'net (at least more so than when I was on vacation), I have time to find great articles like this, which reminded me of many of the frugal lessons that my grandmother taught me.

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