Thursday, December 1, 2011

My November Money Challenge...The Recap

I can't believe the month is over!  I actually did make some money this month and the most important thing that I learned is that if I want to make money and/or be a successful writer, I need to do something EVERY DAY towards these goals.  Sitting around and thinking about making money or thinking about becoming a real writer doesn't make it happen.  It takes concentrated effort--daily effort--in order to realize a good outcome.  So that's what I intend to do--work everyday on both my writing and making money.
There were quite a few times during this challenge that I longed for my cushy, high paying job (easy work, big paychecks) but now, whenever I contemplate applying for a job or starting my own business again, I cringe.  I just want to be a writer so I can enjoy a flexible schedule, rampant creativity, and who knows, one of these days maybe even success!
Here's how much money I made this month:
  • $125 sold netbook
  • $50 sold Freelance Switch article
  • $3 for doing two surveys on Opinion Outpost
  • $50 billed a client for her website which I had previously given her for free
  • $150 for remaking a website for a client
  • $20 a percentage of hubby's poker winnings
  • $10 won playing pai gow (gambling)
  • $210 sold old laptop
  • $50 sold another Freelance Switch article
  • $25 a percentage of hubby's poker winnings
  • $70 sold an article to Dollar Stretcher
  • $32.27 in AdSense for November
For a grand total of....$795.27   Which makes me $204.73 short of my goal of $1000.  Not bad...

p.s. Thank you all for being so supportive of me and my challenge!!!!!!!