Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I'm Loving My New Smartphone!

I know it took me forever to move from a dumb phone to a smart phone but I have come to the conclusion that I maybe should have made the switch sooner...I LOVE my new phone!!

Note, I don't know what gets into Blogger sometimes, the picture of my phone is posting sideways but it is supposed to show the phone straight up and down and I don't know how to rotate the photo so despite the weird photo, I'll continue...

Anyway, I've only had the phone for a little over a week but even though I am online at home quite a bit and didn't think I really needed a smartphone, I have ended up using the apps on this phone quite a bit.

The apps I currently have on my phone:

  • News apps: CNN, Kitsap Sun (hometown newspaper so I can keep up with people I know there), News 8 (Las Vegas station), News 13 (another Vegas station)
  • Email: Yahoo, Hotmail
  • Blogger (although I haven't figured out how to sign in through this app yet)
  • Advanced task killer (to keep the apps from running continuously)
  • Banking: KFCU, NFCU, Wells Fargo (I can also make deposits just by photographing a check and sending it to the bank through the apps), PayPal
  • Social media: FaceBook, Twitter, Chikka (for texting with friends in Asia), Reddit (I'm pretty much addicted to Reddit)
  • Camera (for quick picture taking), Gallery (to view the pictures I've taken)
  • Memo, Polaris Office, Calendar (for my to-do lists and to stay organized)
  • Kindle (I've read two books so far on my phone)
  • Web (for quick access to the internet)
  • Google Sky (not necessary but very cool, check it out!)
  • Scanner Radio (ditto)
  • Music Player (I don't listen to music often but it is nice to have it right there on my phone if I want to)
  • Sudoku (for when I'm bored)
  • C:Geo (I want to start geocaching; this is an app for www.geocaching.com)
  • Flashlight, calculator (useful tools to have)
  • Currency exchange, Translate, Android weather (great for travel)
  • Travelocity, Orbitz (ditto)
  • TeleNav GPS (I've already used this a half dozen times!)

And some other things to note:

  • I need to charge the phone every day or it will die; I liked my old phone because I only had to charge it once a week.
  • The $30 plan for the phone is great, the only slight problem is that it only comes with 100 talk minutes so now I make it a habit to use hubby's phone when I need to call and talk to someone.
  • I have to be a lot more careful with this phone because it was expensive ($300) and I don't want to drop it or have it stolen (I could drop my old phone and it wouldn't hurt it a bit and no one in their right mind would have wanted to steal it!).
  • I have made a pointed effort to not use my phone at all when in the company of other people (it's kind of my pet peeve that most people are sitting in a restaurant with other people yet all of their attention is focused on their phone, not the people they are with).
  • On a negative note, I am getting ready to go to LA this evening and I couldn't get any free books to download to my cell phone (takes up less space than carrying a whole book; getting free downloadable books from the library is good but there is no way to say when you want to download them as the notice shows up randomly in email after putting them on hold) so I went to Amazon.com and paid $1.99 for a book from one of my favorite authors.  This is definitely a splurge and I hope it doesn't become a habit but it is so easy and convenient!
  • All of the above apps are free.  At this point I can't think of any app that I would actually want to pay for.
  • Do you know of any other good apps that I should check out?


  1. I came over from “Carlas” blog “My half dozen daily” her challenge was great.
    I haven't yet even own a cell phone...I tried to use my son "smart phone" and I gave them a good laugh.

    Stop in some time...coffee is on.

  2. I just got a smart phone this past week too but I'm still trying to figure out the different apps.

  3. Exploring your new phone is always fun, and it's great that you shared the basic information to us. Surely, there are people who are scouting for a good phone to buy, and you might have just helped them decide if this model is the right one for them. Thank you!
    Joanna Daniels
