Saturday, May 12, 2018

10 Things from My Favorites List

Whenever I run across an interesting story or blog post on the web I automatically add it to my favorites list either to read later or to share.  Here are a bunch of interesting things I have found over the past week or so that I want to share with you!

  1. Rob Greenfield's entire website and blog are fascinating.  I particularly like his minimalist streak.
  2. Joanna Penn's website is also full of super useful information for writers.  Here is a great post for those who would like to make a living as a writer.
  3. For those of you into nutrition and healthy eating, the 7th Annual Food Revolution Summit is coming up, it is all online and it is free!
  4. Here are 60 thrifty ways to help save the planet.  I was happy to see that I already do many of these things.
  5. Speaking of minimalism, I came across this basic list of everything you need to outfit a new home (great info for those heading off to college or into their first apartment).
  6. Although this isn't news news, I was amused to see that they actually did a study on putting one or two spaces after a period when typing (this is actually a big hairy deal for writers who debate the topic endlessly).  FWIW I'm a two-space person.
  7. At least once every day or so, I read an article on Longform.  These are longer than usual articles on interesting topics that I like to think helps my ability to focus and concentrate (as opposed to reading "sound-bite"-sized posts and articles that you usually find online).
  8. Tomorrow is Mother's Day and there are A LOT of freebies to be had for moms!
  9. And here is a useful stain removal guide.  I find so many pieces of clothing at the Goodwill with stains on them that are otherwise in perfect condition (I think that's why they were donated in the first place).  I usually take the risk of buying the item for a few bucks then go home and work on the stain and can usually clean it up pretty well!
  10. Finally, from the 'you gotta be kiddin me file'...who thinks it's a good idea to take your kids and try to take selfies with cheetahs?

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