Friday, July 13, 2018

So Much Shopping... hazard of not having a 9-5 job, the opportunity to shop way too much!  At least when I am working I don't have the time (during the day) or the desire (after work) to go shopping.  Making money is better than spending money!
...everywhere you look, everyone is talking about Amazon Prime Day which takes place on Monday.  I can't think of a single thing I need to buy.
...Sunday is National Ice Cream Day, here is where you can get some great deals on ice cream.  I will definitely take advantage of these offers (I love ice cream!).
...I didn't know there were so many trade-in programs available which gives you discounts on new stuff for trading in your old stuff.  I've traded in an old phone to Samsung to get my newest cell phone and was very happy with the deal.
...Another odd shopping event, the Friday the 13th $13 tattoo deals.  This sale takes place around the country and is also popular in Las Vegas (I don't need any more tattoos but if I did I think I would spend a bit more for one than $13!).


  1. I hate shopping!!! The only real shopping I do is grocery shopping and I hate that too. lol We have been sofa shopping and it's frightening how much a new sofa costs. Makes me ill to think about spending all that money. I have a few things on my wish list in the hopes that they will be deeply discounted on Amazon Prime day, but it's not likely. I couldn't think of anything to buy last year, but I ended up getting a duvet cover for our bed for just $18. That was it. The kinds of things I want are home flooring, new entry doors...stuff like that.

    1. I would LOVE new flooring but the expense...yikes! Someone said that if you put stuff you want on Amazon into your cart and the items come up discounted on Prime Day it will automatically lower the price for the day. Not sure if it will work but worth a try?

  2. I do need a few things before the trip, so am hoping some deals pop up Monday online, but I'm not going to spend just to save!

    1. That's me! I used to spend to get the great discounts but then I realized I was buying stuff I didn't really need just money...ayayay
