It's been a busy but freebie-filled weekend! Yesterday we went to a nice dinner at a Mexico Restaurant in Boulder City which was tasty and free (compliments of my walking club which pays for our annual Christmas dinner). We caught a little of the Christmas Parade in Boulder City last night but we only saw the beginning when we were driving by (it was freezing outside so we decided to opt out of watching the multi-hour parade with the rest of the walking group; this was also free and judging by all of the people there, very popular too!).
Today hubby and I went bowling (he gets eight free games this month compliments of the bowling center where he bowls in a league; I remain absolutely terrible at bowling FYI), then we had a free lunch at Steak and Shake (free with hubby's poker comps), then went and picked up gift cards at Famous Daves and Outback which the SIL gave us for our anniversary (and since it is Christmas time the gift cards she gave us came with additional gift cards for free as an added holiday bonus).
Now we are settling down to watch yet another holiday Christmas romance movie (we've seen so many already this season my head is spinning!) after I make us some caramel popcorn (super easy, there are several recipes for this online).
As I am starting my December goals and limiting screen time is on the list, I skipped all Holiday movies. Perhaps I'll add one back next weekend.