Saturday, January 26, 2019

CERT Training--A Follow-Up

Today was the second and final day of our CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training.  Once again we had a great time!  The people were all really nice (we met at a church and while the training was open to the public it was me and a bunch of church members who were the sweetest people), the information was really good (my work for the past 20ish years has been in disaster medical preparedness so a lot of the information I knew but there was some stuff I didn't know like firefighter skills for blocking and cribbing when digging through rubble), and when we finished the class, we were all rewarded with a big backpack of emergency gear which was absolutely free!  I highly recommend that everyone take this class if it is available in your community.  It is free, it is valuable information, and everyone can use extra emergency gear.  Here is an overview of the course and here is where you can find a class near you.

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