Monday, January 21, 2019

Today We Have...

...a beautiful sunset... amazing opportunity...

Amtrak is offering a free social media residency program which you can apply for here.  One lucky person will receive free tickets for Amtrak travel which they will then share with their social media followers.  Sounds like fun!

...a warning about food stamps...

February's food stamps are going out this week due to the shutdown.  The scary part is that these will be the last food stamps issued until the shutdown is resolved!

...Martin Luther King Jr Day!

We didn't get up early enough today to go down and watch the popular MLK Jr Day parade in our city but I came across this HBO documentary that I will watch later this evening about the civil rights activist.


  1. I'm so concerned for those that will be unable to get food supplements in the upcoming weeks.

    1. Me too--I can't believe the government is allowing this to continue on :(
