Thursday, March 21, 2019


Woke up this morning feeling absolutely terrible.  Not sure if it is spring allergies (tree pollen and grass pollen are off the charts since it is warm and spring-like now) or if I caught some sort of crud that is going around but I am happy that I am not currently working and can lay around feeling miserable all day (I well remember the days of feeling miserable but having to drag my carcass to work anyway...yuck).

So today I filled up on liquids and Tylenol and Sudafed (the real stuff which you have to specifically ask for from behind the counter) and feel marginally better.

On a happy note, hubby followed up with the eye doctor today and somehow now has 20/20 vision and both eyes are doing great.  Considering he used to have 20/50 vision, it is an amazing improvement!


  1. Oh no! I hope it's not the flu which was rampant around here until recently. Our lunch counts have gone back up again as there are less students absent now. Did you get a flu shot? So glad hubby is doing well. The thought of eye surgery really scares me. I don't know if I could be that brave. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Fortunately it was a 24-hour thing :) Didn't get a flu shot because the effective rate was around 17% so skipped it. Plus I'm not around kids--if I worked at a school like you do I would definitely get a flu shot because those little people are disease vectors! p.s. Eye surgery scares me too!

  2. I was amazed at how well I could see once I got my cataracts removed too!
    I hope you feel better soon. My allergies aren't too bad....yet! ;-)

    1. Thanks! Feel much better today. I figured in the desert I would be allergy-free but we actually have a lot of blooming things which start EARLY each year--usualy around February!?!
