Thursday, March 19, 2020

Getting Comfortable on Lockdown?

We are kind of getting used to this lockdown stuff...

...Fortunately hubby is feeling a lot better as am I.

...I made biscuits and gravy for breakfast this morning.

...We cleaned the house and did a little yard work.  I keep giving hubby little jobs because he doesn't like being idle so he refilled all of our hand soap dispensers, cut up a watermelon, moved around some furniture so I could vacuum, and washed down all surfaces and door handles with bleach water.  Surprisingly enough, I love the feel of freshly washed door handles...who knew?

...We called up a couple relatives who we knew were alone and had basically quarantined themselves to their homes just to check up on them.

...Three interesting things I learned today: I just heard of a Netflix Party app (if we get really really bored we might try it), there is something called 'Take Your Tractor to School Day' which sounds really cool, and r/aww always has lots of cute videos like this.

...As we were both getting kind of bored sitting at home, we decided to go for a drive so we hopped in the car and drove the Las Vegas Strip to see what was going on (we didn't get out of our car so we wouldn't infect others or catch anything from other people).  Oddly enough the Strip was pretty busy, with people taking pictures of the Strip with no people and all of the casinos closed.  There was also a pretty big police presence, I guess as a way to provide security for the shuttered casinos.


  1. Even a drive in the city is interesting. It helps other people to visualize things when people from other parts of the country post pictures and report how things are. My goat and garden post was not so

    1. I loved your goat and garden post! Like you, I find it interesting what other people are seeing in their area, whether it is full or empty store or goats and gardens!

  2. Staying busy is a good thing! My husband is much the same. We have been able to tackle lots of home projects while we have been home. It must be so strange to see the Strip shut down.

    1. The Strip was odd, no one was really walking but there were a lot of people driving and taking pictures or videos of the Strip. At this time of year spring break is usually in full swing but hopefully this passes quickly and we will be back in business soon.

  3. Glad you are both feeling better and keeping yourselves busy. I have one more day to hand out sack lunches at school and them I'm really hunkering down for good.

    1. That's great! I know kids need to eat but it can be dangerous for people who are providing the lunches as they are more susceptible to catching the virus. Glad you get to stay home and hunker down!
