Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Quick Update

It's been so quiet around here I haven't had much to blog about!

  • Work is going great. We are wrapping up the fiscal year so things are busy and I passed my first state audit quickly and painlessly and with no findings.  Color me shocked (and happy)!
  • With so much online tracking--I'm looking at you Microsoft and Google--I got the bright idea to switch around my laptops (one for work stuff, one for persona stuff) and put the Linux operating system on my personal laptop.  Thank goodness I backed up the OS and all files before trying this because my installation crashed and burned so I high-tailed it back to Windows 10.  For now.  When I get more time to focus, I will try this again because it is ridiculous how our every second online is tracked, manipulated to some extent, sold to advertisers, etc.
  • I am being inundated with text messages from political candidates even though I went to the election department website and opted out of being contacted.  It's annoying AF.
  • It is so hot here!  It was 97 today and supposed to be 102 next week.  eeekkk
  • In cat news, we are down to two cats that show up everyday to eat.  A new, mean cat has been lurking around scaring the other cats but he looks hungry so we feed him too although he could be nicer to the other cats.
I hope you are all having a wonderful start to your summer!


  1. Isn't Windows 11 out?
    I mentioned something unusual on my blog, and now inundated for that item. Then, Tommy and I mentioned something, a discussion. Now, ads for that item. It is scary.

    So, your kitten was the dead one? Too bad. He probably has had to fight a lot. Too sad about that.

    1. I still use Windows 10 because I don't like the built in keylogger on Windows 11, not sure what I will do when Win 10 is no longer supported.
