Thursday, October 24, 2024

10 Random Things

Just a bunch of random things from this week...

  1. It is less than two weeks until the presidential election.  Big eeekkk  I hope people will be reasonable and cooler heads will prevail no matter what the outcome is.  I will also be glad that all of the political text messages will stop!
  2. Mildly related, two of our military installations will be holding a disaster exercise on election day(!).  People are already wound up enough over this election so seeing military activity on such a contentious day is either #1, a warning to the populace or #2, really poor planning.  I'm thinking it is #2 but holy cow these people could have picked a different date. Yikes
  3. Speaking of Election Day, here is a list of freebies and discounts you can get on Election Day.
  4. My blender sort of died.  The metal part on the pitcher that fits over the metal part that sticks up from the motor seems to be stripped since the motor works but the blades won't spin so after not being able to find a new blender at the Goodwill and not wanting to pay full price for a new blender, I went online to Amazon and found that I could buy replacement parts for the bottom of the pitcher assembly for $8. I am waiting for the parts to get here and hopefully this fixes the problem for less than $10!
  5. Hubby's coffee maker is acting like it isn't long for this world so while we were at the Goodwill looking for a blender, he picked up a new drip coffee maker for $6.  It works perfectly and looks pretty new (see photo above) so we will keep it to replace the old coffee maker when it stops working all together.
  6. Prepper Princess posted a video on the things that were "best buys" for her house.  Our list is pretty much the same--bidets, Roku, a lemon tree in the back yard, OTA antenna, the $6.95 Netflix plan, a coffee maker at home so hubby never buys coffee from a coffee shop, freezing food when it comes on sale, etc.
  7. Costco was ridiculously busy today!  I thought going to Costco on a quiet Thursday morning at 10am would be a good plan but apparently everyone else had the same plan.  There were a lot of sales so we stocked up on everything (dish soap, laundry soap, all kinds of canned foods, etc) so we shouldn't have to go back to Costco for months (thank God, that place is a zoo!).
  8. The weather in Las Vegas is perfect now!  High 70s/low 80s is warm and amazing.  It makes for great walking in the morning!
  9. In a creepy turn of events, hubby and I looked at a few open houses near our house a couple of months ago.  Besides having too many stairs, I told him I didn't like the houses because they were three stories high which to me is a huge fire hazard (the bedrooms are on the third floor and if there was a fire, good luck jumping out of a window that is 30+ feet off the ground).  Sadly, in the news this morning, there was the exact same style of house in another part of Las Vegas that caught on fire killing most of the occupants :(
  10. My goal for November is to have a NO spend NOvember.

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