Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas Eve!

I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas Eve!  Hubby and I are enjoying a quiet day at home, watching movies, and I will probably bake cookies later this afternoon.  In sad new, the little kitten that was looking ill yesterday died this morning (hubby was traumatized by this turn of events).  This wasn't the kitten that all the others shunned, this was a happy, healthy kitten just a couple of days ago.

So I made an online report because H1N1 is going around and seems to have made the leap to mammals, but got no response, probably due to the holiday.  Poor, cute kitten.  I hope he wasn't poisoned or anything awful like that, but his swift demise was kind of shocking.

In happier news, I have been tracking Santa throughout the day, and it's been a bright and sunny day (not really Christmas-like but infinitely better than having to endure the storms hitting both the Pacific Northwest and New England this week!).

A couple of interesting links: a vocal range test and some very cool historic photos.

Merry Christmas Eve!

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