2024 has been a pretty crazy year; hopefully things calm down in 2025 (but I'm not holding my breath!). These last couple of days of 2024 will be spent cleaning and organizing like I always do at the end of the year. In cat news, the mom cat and remaining kittens all seem healthy and active which is good. We decided not to go to a cousin's Christmas party which we usually attend (color me lazy this year; my social events calendar has gone from busy all the time to you have to drag me out of my house kicking and screaming...I guess menopause does that sometimes) which turned out to be a good thing as I heard everyone who attended the party got sick. They don't think it was food poisoning but norovirus is spreading around the area like wildfire. Bullet dodged I guess. My new year's resolution will be to not make any new year's resolutions this year. And the store displays went from Christmas to Valentine's Day practically overnight! I wish you all a very Happy New Year!
I would rather be home more than anywhere which is quite the change for me as well. I went to Marshall's the day after Christmas and they were putting out all of the Valentine stuff then. I just hate that stores rush the seasons. Good you dodged the party. Norovirus is going around here also. I hope you have a wonderful New Year!!