Monday, January 20, 2025

10 Things From This Week

In no particular order...

  1. Today is MLK Jr Day and Inauguration Day.  It's also a paid holiday from work so hubby and I are just chilling out today watching movies...back to the grind tomorrow!
  2. I don't like how my every move is tracked via my cell phone so I bought a Pixel and De-Googled it.  There's a bit of a learning curve but so far it works perfectly...and privately!
  3. I'll probably try to load Linux on my laptop next weekend for pretty much the same reason (one big tech project a weekend is more than enough for my brain to deal with!).
  4. Three take-aways from the recent wildfires in nearby California...have a go bag, have a wildfire checklist, and note the GPS location of our house in case the entire neighborhood is wiped off the map.
  5. Fortunately, while our weather is a chilly 48 degrees today, it is nowhere near as cold as most other parts of the country--I can't believe it is 20 degrees in Atlanta today!
  6. So far this year, all 20 days of it, hubby and I have significantly cut down on the number of times we have been eating out.  It is much healthier--and cheaper--to eat at home!
  7. I love the movie channels on Roku.  There are so many movies, generally older movies but the occasional newer movie, and they are all free!
  8. A small news article about a fatal car wreck came across my FB feed and it highlights two important things...#1, always wear your seat belt when driving, these two people would probably still be alive if they had done this simple thing, and #2, when you are in a very remote area, EMS services can be few and response times can be long.
  9. Here are some great tips in case you hit the lottery or receive any other huge financial windfall.
  10. Finally, even though I buy literally all of my clothes at the Goodwill, for people who use Amazon's 'Try Before You Buy' program, it will be ending soon so just a FYI.


  1. Here in Southern Illinois it is 2 degrees with a high of 7 for the day.

    1. OMG I can't even imagine that kind of cold. Stay warm!

  2. Those are good emergency plans, especially wearing a hat to keep embers out of hair! I need to get a hat right now.
    We had temps in Birmingham in low 20s; Night was down to 9 degrees.

  3. Anything wool, a garment or blanket is good protection from fire.
