I was somewhat hoping we would roll into 2025 in a calm and peaceful manner but of course, I wake up on New Year's Day to mass shootings in New York, Illinois, and Texas as well as the driver that drove into the crowds in New Orleans which killed 15 people followed by the exploding cybertruck here in Las Vegas. Sheesh...looks like it will be another year of people losing their damn minds. Lovely.
In other news, we haven't seen any of the cats in about five days. Where do they go? Why do they just disappear like that? We miss them but looking back through my pictures of all of the feral cats we have fed in the past, there have been more than a dozen that hang around for a while then just disappear!
Our sunsets are still amazing (see above) and hubby and I spent the day cleaning out the kitchen. Can you believe two people have this many pans? We cut this pile down by almost half and will donate the pans--and other kitchen items we don't need--to the Goodwill (which is where nearly all of these items were purchased in the first place!).