Saturday, July 6, 2024

After the 4th of July

Our 4th of July evening was spent hoping our neighborhood wouldn't burn down since so many neighbors were setting off professional-grade fireworks.  It sounded like a war zone around here for hours but fortunately the only casualty seems to be the neighbor's garbage can (see photo above).  My other neighbor was out of town but she said she was watching the barrage via her security system and was worried about her house too since everything is so hot and dry and there were fireworks sparks going everywhere.  Anyway, a couple days later and all is well (except the aforementioned garbage can).  Here are 10 more things we did during this holiday weekend...

  1. I bought a few books of stamps because the price will soon be going up.
  2. We went to both Costco and Sam's Club to stock up on food (flour, sugar, soap, etc).  We do this about every six months and since the price of everything seems to be increasing and preparedness is top of mind, we figured we might as well have a good supply of food supplies on hand (plus there were a lot of sales!).
  3. The cats have been coming and going all weekend.  They show up at the door, we let them in to eat and drink some cold water, they take a nap, then they leave for a few hours.  Rinse and repeat.  At least they are staying marginally cool in this excessive heat.
  4. Hubby trimmed my hair.  He is pretty good at cutting hair so I have him trim mine a couple times between professional cuts.
  5. I like doing find-a-word puzzles but was disappointed that I couldn't find these books in either Costco or Sam's Club.  Fortunately I found them on Amazon for even less than what I had been paying for these books at Costco so I ordered three big books of find-a-word puzzles.
  6. I love the idea of small (not tiny) houses and there are plenty of ideas for inspiration on this topic on YouTube.
  7. Most of the weekend we just stayed home and out of the 110+ degree weather.  There are SO MANY free movies on Roku and Samsung TV that we may even cancel Netflix (hubby has seen nearly every movie on Netflix anyway as he loves to watch movies).
  8. I've pretty much given upon Reddit (it seems to be 50%+ bots these days) but I do like checking r/frugal for good ideas on how to save money.
  9. I also like "cool finds" type posts on Bored Panda.
  10. We need to stop eating out so much.  While lifestyle creep has not been much of an issue for us, we do tend to eat out more these days.  We need to curtail this as it is much cheaper and MUCH healthier to eat at home!


  1. On your #10, the heat makes me so lazy & not want to cook. I hope you are all staying cool. (Hawaii Planner)

  2. So glad the kitties are staying as cool and hydrated as they can. I'm doing the same for the two little strays I have left. And our Jake, of course. Yikes! Your neighbor's poor garbage can! I would have never chanced all that with it being so dry and hot out there. Glad that was the only thing that happened! I've been staying indoors a lot as well, and I'm afraid my Reddit addiction was pretty bad last week! LOL! I can't stay out of the BORUpdates subreddit.

    1. Wow I've never heard of that subreddit. I just checked it out and will have to do a deep dive later--it looks interesting!
