- My hubby. He's awesome! I can depend on him 110%.
- My family (and the hubby's family). They are all awesome as well.
- My friends. Again...awesome people all.
- We got an offer on our house and will be able to sell and still make a profit (always a good thing in this economy!).
- The internet. It helps me work, earn money, stay in touch with others, and most importantly learn about anything and everything I am interested in.
- Money in my wallet. Actual cash. This hasn't always been the case.
- Having a warm and safe house to live in.
- Having more than enough food to eat.
- Living in a country that is relatively safe and free.
- The prospect of a new year and a new life.
- Readers for my blog! (Thanks to you...yes, YOU!).
- Mail that brings me Christmas wishes and occasionally presents. I love presents!
- Not being in debt :)
- My good health. And the hubby's good health. Priceless!
- Public transportation, libraries, free community events, stores that give out free samples...stuff that I appreciate more and more as my income is coming to a screeching halt.
- CraigsList. It is a free service that is allowing me to sell all of our possessions before we move.
- Grocery stores with fully stocked shelves (this is not always the case in many of the places we travel to).
- Planning and looking forward to exciting travel.
- Being a minimalist...and realizing that I don't need much "stuff" to make me happy.
- God. I don't really go to church except for as a tourist, however I believe that God puts me where I am supposed to be and makes amazing things possible.
- Being able to help others (financially, by providing needed things, or just by being able to provide good advice that turns out well for them).
- The ability to read and write. These two skills have, by far, provided the most joy and inspiration in my life.
- Having a very good and relatively easy life. When I see they way that others live and some of the tragic/horrible/traumatic things people have gone through, often through no fault of their own both here and abroad, I am truly thankful for the life I have.
- Having so many possibilities. There are really no limits to the things we can accomplish!
- Technology. Yep, I am a pretty big tech geek.
p.s. Here is a cool picture that one of my wonderful friends gave me. He and his wife spend their retirement years making religious pilgrimages and always bring back the most amazing pictures. This is one of my favorites.
Great list! I'm thankful that I found your blog. I've been discussing your posts with my husband. I especially found the one on cruise tips helpful. We've never been on a cruise, but it's on our list of things to do someday.