Saturday, April 11, 2020

A Fun Day in Quarantine

The highlight of our day way watching the Air Force Thunderbirds do a flyover of our city.  They flew almost right over our house and it sounded like everyone in the neighborhood came out to watch!  Some other person in Vegas got a better picture than I did.  But I did get a few kinda good pictures...

Then I baked chocolate chip cookies which were yummy.

And a few other things...


  1. I knew I was worried about hair color becoming rare! I called a friend who knows old computer languages. He was turned off by their call for volunteers. So, I told him to offer his services and ask for money.

    1. I'd really never thought about people panic buying hair color but I guess with a long quarantine it makes sense!

  2. We bought hair trimming scissors for our dog but ended up using them on ourselves too. We have an electric trimmer on the way for the dog...that may come in handy too :) I cut the top and sides of my own hair and only let hubby do the back to even it out. We did the same for him. That way if we totally screw up technically it is our own fault.

    1. LOL I'd never thought about using dog hair trimmers for people but it totally makes sense. I will definitely share this tip with my dog owning friends!
