Wednesday, May 27, 2020

It's Hot...And Some Great Links

As you can see, it's getting hot here!  We probably won't walk at all this week because even at 7am, it is already pretty warm outside.  Unfortunately our indoor malls and casinos are also closed so there is literally nowhere for us to walk when the temps get as high as they will this week :(

In other news...

  • I found this interesting subreddit called 'Random Acts of Cards' which looks pretty cool.  You can send and receive cards from people all over the US and even the world!
  • We use an over-the-air antenna instead of cable TV and get 50+ free stations.  I saw on the news that there is some sort of new OTA system so I rescanned our antenna and it does look like we are getting several more stations now.  Maybe this is new all over the US?
  • My unemployment claim is still up in the air I guess.  I will keep filing weekly and see what happens but it looks like a lot of people are having trouble with this system which was built like the regular unemployment system so it really isn't optimal for things like temp work. contract work, ride share drivers, etc.  I don't really need the money now, so I will wait a while to contact them to figure out my claim since there are tens of thousands of people in my city who really really need the money and so far haven't been able to contact them or receive any money even though they have been out of work for months!
  • I saw another news story about people who live in nursing homes and these nursing homes are taking their residents' $1200 stimulus checks.  I personally don't know anyone in this situation, but if you know someone this happened to, it is illegal for nursing homes to do this!  Here's what you can do about it.
  • Finally, hubby is a disabled veteran.  Getting through the disability claims process is pretty much a nightmare since you can be badly wounded in the military (hubby literally can't hear because he worked in the engine room of navy ships for years back before they offered hearing protection) and they will still decline your claim.  Hubby's sister used this company which helped her get her disability claim submitted and approved so she told hubby to try it.  I can't say this is good or bad as he hasn't completed the process with them yet but it is definitely something for veterans to look into.


  1. Good links, as usual. Wow, it really is hot there. I imagine that your husband has a hard time understanding people in masks since, if he is like me, uses a bit of lip-reading to "hear."

    1. Exactly! He really can't hear if sounds are muffled and the masks sure don't help in that regard.
