Monday, May 11, 2020

Out And About

Our city is slowly reopening so with a big "to do" list, we set out to get stuff "to done" today.

First stop was to mail a box of clothes to the SIL and an antenna for her TV (we had an extra antenna and it was cheaper to mail it than ordering one to be delivered to her).  Our local Office Depot is now open so we could actually go in to mail the box which is way better than standing in line at the post office.  This is the first time we have been in a store, other than a grocery store, for two months!  So I had to take a picture...

Then we dropped off the SIL's car to get the windows tinted.  It seemed to be business as usual there, no one was wearing masks, and they seemed to be pretty busy at the shop.

Next we dropped off some food to one of the cousins, then headed out to lunch for the first time in a couple of months!  We went to the Olive Garden, and while it seemed quieter than usual, probably because in a six table section they were only using two tables to keep people distanced, they were pretty steady.  Although I was excited to go out to lunch, I thought the service was slow and the food was just meh--I think in addition to not wanting to shop much since we started quaranting at home, I don't think I want to eat out much now either, I rather like my own cooking better!

Speaking of which, after a quick trip through the 99 cent store which was really quiet too, we went home and made a new recipe that hubby wanted to try.  This recipe is for Filipino Fresh Lumpia which is almost exactly like Chinese mu shu pork (only with this recipe we skipped the meat and made it vegetarian).  It turned out really really yummy and the wrapper that I made from the recipe was exactly like a French crepe so we saved some of the wrappers and I'm going to use them to make strawberry crepes tomorrow. 


  1. The food looks good. Is the traffic back as in the pictures you posted?

  2. They say you eat first with your eyes. What a beautiful plate!
