Sunday, September 13, 2020

A Quick Update

It's been ages since I've blogged!  Pretty much because there isn't much happening around here so I didn't have much to write about but here is the boring stuff that's been happening...

  • Las Vegas has been getting a lot of smoke from the California wildfires (see photo above of the sun at mid afternoon a few days ago).  If it is that bad here, I can't even imagine how bad the smoke is in California, Oregon, and Washington!  eeekkk
  • The weather has gone from hot hot (110 to 115 degrees) to just regular hot (100ish degrees).  We have gone 146 days with no measurable rain (!), and went 45 days in a row with temps over 100 degrees (!!).  Needless to say its been kind of a miserable summer where outside activities are concerned.  Fortunately the weather is getting better but I really miss our annual monsoon season.
  • We have been doing our usual low-key activities--hubby bowling and playing poker a couple days a week plus weekly shopping trips.  Apparently there has been a lot of chaos around town in the evenings but we are always safely in our home by dusk.  Not that we would want to be walking the Strip with thousands of germy people now anyway but people seem to have lost their damn minds lately not just here in my city but everywhere!
  • I've lost any and all desire to shop.  Now sure where I lost it but it is gone.  I've been to several stores where usually I would be excited to buy stuff (clothes, bags, outdoor gear, shoes) but now when I go into a store it's like "meh, I don't need or want anything here".  I'm not sure what's wrong with me...
Well that's my exciting life in Vegas, hopefully with the cooler weather we will get out more and do some fun activities soon!


  1. And, here I thought you were geocaching! And, I was waiting patiently to hear all about it. I want to be home before dark, when dusk starts. Since it gets dark earlier, I feel like life is contracting. Soon, we will need to be home by 4 pm, but we will adjust. I have not gne to Belk's for two months, and that was to return something, not shop. I know it is tragic, but that is a beautiful picture with the most delicate pinks. Is it hard to breathe? Does it make your throat sore or can you feel it in your lungs?

    1. Right after I made the geocaching post, the weather stayed at 110 to 115 degrees for a week! Hopefully soon! Fortunately the smoke in our area isn't so bad but at our friend's place in Oregon, the air quality is six times worse than the air in Beijing which is know for really bad air. Hopefully the west coast gets a good wind storm to clear out the bad air!

  2. I feel for all of you folks and on the west coast with all the fires and smoke. It's gotta suck to have to breath and see all that crap.

    You are right...people have lost their damn minds. I live right outside of Rochester, NY, 15 minutes down the expressway and it's now the 13th night of BLM protests and clashes with the police. I don't know what the answer is.

    Stay in, stay safe and I will do a little rain dance for you.

    1. Thanks for the rain dance! Stay safe...Rochester protests have been on the news for days now. Scary stuff!

  3. Glad to hear all is well. I miss garage saling and thrifting, but the thought of touching things that many other people have touched is a huge turnoff and I'm not likely to start doing that again any time soon. Wish we could sen you hurricane Sally that's about to land here soon. It's been pretty hot here too and we are waiting for some relief in the coming weeks.

    1. Stay safe! I'm watching the news right now and it looks like Hurricane Sally is headed right your way!
