Saturday, April 8, 2023

A Quick Update

I felt like baking today so I baked some bread ^^^   In other news...

  • My friend was taken off life support earlier this week and passed away soon after.  I can still barely wrap my head around the fact that she is no longer here.  This a was a 'no big deal' type of surgery and she had so many plans for after the got out of the hospital but now her daughter is left to sort through her estate (which is kind of big and kind of complicated) and grieve at the same time.  I was, however, happy to hear from her daughter that one of the little boys she kind of adopted as a surrogate grandchild and took care of for the past several years had a dream after the passed away and said she told him she was fine, everything would be OK, and to tell her daughter that she loved her very much.  I love signs like that after someone passes away!
  • Our other friend who is 92 years old now has her house up for sale and it looks like she will be moving across the country to live with her daughter.  I was surprised to see her house up for sale since I saw her the day before the sign went up so I called her and asked if she was moving and she said "my daughter says I am".  We will miss her when she moves.
  • We have no plans for Easter so will probably spend the day watching the Masters golf tournament.
  • My allergies are killing me.  This happens every year but the problem usually starts in February not April but I guess since we had a longer, colder, and wetter spring than usual, it pushed allergy season out several weeks.
  • Allergies not withstanding, the weather now is perfect!  It's a balmy 78 degrees and perfect Vegas spring weather!
  • I hope you all have a wonderful Easter!


  1. So sorry to hear about losing one friend and another moving away. I hate change. Hope your allergies give you a break and Happy Easter to you and yours!

    1. Thank you. And I don't much like dramatic, negative change either.

  2. Every time a friend dies, I am in disbelief. More friends are dying as I age. That bread looks delicious!

    1. Same...the older I get (and since my peer group is basically 70-90 years old) people seem to be dropping like flies. One guy send out emails any time someone in our social group passes away, these days I am afraid to open his emails!
