Monday, April 17, 2023

Happy Birthday to Me!

It's my birthday and despite being buried under a pile of work (literally thousands of emails to sort through!) and having a 'to do' list that is several legal-sized sheets long, all is well!  I love the job, our friends took us out to lunch today to a new Thai place that was really good, I had a nice boost of caffeine, and the weather is perfectly warm and breezy.  (No, that isn't my birthday cake in the picture; I took that picture several years ago at a fancy bakery and I just thought it looked appropriate for this post).

So my update is that I am working (and working...and working...).  Fortunately I can work from home, the hours are very flexible, and when the boss sent me a work contract, my eyes about popped out of my head when I saw the hourly rate (if they need me to work for a year, I will easily be able to pay off our house!).  Now back to work I go...


  1. Happy Birthday! 🎈🎂

    Susan in Washington state

  2. If that were your birthday cake, I would only hope a couple of friends were coming over. Happy Birthday!
    That is great to have a lucrative job. Working for slave labor just hurts a person's self-esteem and their soul.

    1. Thank you! To think that when I first started working minimum wage was only $3 an hour!

  3. Happy birthday April and congrats on landing a good paying job you love and can do from home. That's so awesome. I'm jealous!

    1. Thank you! And I am as surprised as you that this job kind of landed in my lap. Obviously I wish my friend was still here to do the job but life is very strange sometimes.

  4. Happy Birthday! Sorry I am a day late. Got covid after dodging it for 3 years and all I wanna do is SLEEP!

  5. Happy Belated Birthday... and sorry about your friend as well.. so unreal that all happened. I havent been blogging as much.. been busy with life and more so with social media Instagram- sharing life on there. Its a new age. I just have to do some catching up on your site as well- the days havent been long enough it seems...
