Monday, September 4, 2023

It's Too Early for Christmas!

Just a quick update but first I must say that it is way too early for Christmas stuff to be out!!!! 

  • We were at Big Lots yesterday and I couldn't believe they were already hauling out Christmas stuff to sell.  That's crazy!
  • Also at Big Lots, mixed in with the Christmas stuff, was the Halloween stuff with an earie version of 'Ring Around the Rosy' playing on repeat.  So it's barely September, I'm looking at fake Christmas trees, and listening to children sing about people dying from the plague. eeekkk
  • We have six feral cats stopping by for breakfast now.  That is getting a bit out of hand.  We did name them though--Grouchy Cat (he doesn't purr or meow, he only hisses and slaps at the other cats), Scaredy Cat (he--she? we don't know which cats are hes and which cats are shes--this one is afraid of everything and tiptoes around, eating as far away from the other cats as possible), Turbo Cat (this one doesn't really walk, he zips, zigzags, bounces, and zooms. He is a very fast cat), Scruffy Cat (this would be a beautiful long haired cat but since I would lose an arm trying to bathe or brush him, he consistently looks scruffy), Whitey Cat (he is mostly white and the friendliest of all the cats but still won't get near enough so I can pet him), and Turbo Sr (this is a very big version of Whitey Cat--they look almost identical--but he is very fast and jumpy like Turbo Cat).  I have never wanted to be a cat lady...eeekkk
  • Business is moving right along.  I am officially hired for the job I have been doing for the past five months and now I am just waiting for the board to vote on my salary and benefits (low six figures and more days off between holidays/annual leave/sick leave than I will ever use).  Working from home is AMAZING.  If they would have had this back when I was running my business (like literally running from meeting to meeting all across the state almost everyday), I wouldn't have been so keen on retiring early!
  • The weather around here has been crazy.  A couple weeks ago we got repeated warnings about Tropical Storm Hilary which was supposed to dump a whole bunch of rain on Las Vegas but barely made an appearance here.  Then last week we got no warning about a massive amount of rainfall which caused flooding all over the place and power outages (hubby was bowling at the time so we sat in the dim emergency lit bowling center for an hour until the power came back on).  I'm just glad we didn't go to Burning Man this past weekend!
  • The money I've made from work these past months has just been sitting in my bank account since we already have all of our bills taken care of (when I get enough saved I will pay off the rest of the mortgage in the next several months), we carry no debt, and we don't need anything, but I did make my first splurge this past week.  We bought a giant (!) 85" TV for $1100.  It looked smaller in the store so we were both kind of surprised when it was dropped off on our doorstep.  With the neighbor's help we were able to get it unboxed and set up and now, even without cable TV, we have way too many options for things to watch.  Our OTA antenna works with it, Roku provides so many stations as does the Samsung hub channels that are built into the TV, and our DVD player from the Goodwill also works great with it.  Also, this TV is so thin and light compared to our 10+ year old TVs that hubby and I can barely lift.  
I hope you are all having an enjoyable Labor Day weekend!


  1. I love your cat stories, names, and such. I think you have to have cats in the house to be a cat lady. But, I am no expert. I think working from home is good for the right people and the right occupations. It is certainly good for your finances. I cannot even imagine a tv that large. Burning man surely turned out to be a bust this year.

    1. I can certainly see why people love cats, they are endlessly entertaining! Also, I still can't post on your blog so I hope you are feeling better now!

  2. Our stores are filled with Christmas already too. 85" is a gigantic TV. Ours is 75" and I think it's too big. lol

    1. Yes that big of a TV certainly takes some getting used to!

  3. Wow! Low six figures and work from home??? That's amazing!!!!

    1. Yes, Love the job. And I haven't made this much money in years. I just have a hard time wanting to spend money since we have been ultra frugal for so many years!

  4. Oh wow...Christmas decor in the stores already?!? That's crazy!! Had to laugh at the cat lady comment. We have just as many strays as you do coming to eat in our backyard and I have named them all as well! Haha! So glad y'all are ok from the flooding. That sure looked scary when I saw clips of it on TV. The weather can sure be crazy sometimes!

    1. LOL I am glad I am not the only person trying to make pets out of feral cats and even giving them names!

  5. On the day after the 4th if July, I was in Lowe's and the decorations were up. Some sort of ghoul was banging on a drum.
