Sunday, October 15, 2023

A Quiet Weekend

So far this weekend...

...the cats have been cute and entertaining (still no petting, their main attraction seems to be sitting around looking adorable).  Hubby made them a "cat condo" complete with four sleeping areas, three sides wrapped with an insulating blanket, and towels for their bedding.  Imagine what he would do if we had actual pet cats! friend came over for lunch and when I was changing the TV to something on Roku she asked why she only gets movies on her Roku and not the many, many stations she saw on my TV (turns out her son didn't show her how to click on 'live TV' so she didn't know all of those stations were available!).

...same friend, same day, different conversation, she was wondering what she should do for housing as she ages (she is heading towards 80).  She likes her condo but it is on the second floor up a flight of stairs which she now has difficulty with, she can move back to Asia where her extended family would be happy to take care of her (unfortunately she requires a lot of medical care and Medicare may not pay there so that is a sticking point), or she can live with her son (he has a small house with a new baby on the way--at 50 years old...eeekkk).  She said no way to that option.  Lesson learned--start planning now for my old age instead of waiting until I am already in old age and have to suddenly make major life choices.

...our sunsets are still beautiful.  Also, the eclipse passed over our area yesterday afternoon and while it got dim, it didn't get dark in the middle of the day.

...finally, I have pretty much stopped reading the news due to headlines like this: 'World War 3 May Start on Sunday'.  Yikes :(


  1. Educate the cats! Well, it is past Sunday there and here. I would not have been surprised if WWIII broke out. It's bad. Linda Practical Parsimony here. Two laptops here and I am not able to use either effectively.

    1. I'm not sure about educating the cats but I have full-on conversations with them which hubby finds amusing.
