Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Quick Update

This summer is flying by!

  • I passed my second audit at work with flying colors! I run two separate organizations so I get two separate state audits and both went well so now that that's all done, and our fiscal year is almost finished, I should have a very quiet rest of the summer!
  • Speaking of summer, the weather in June is usually pretty good here in Las Vegas.  We usually roll into June in the high 80s and don't hit the hot hot 110 degree + weather until July.  This year we hit 111 degrees in the first week of June!  eeekkk
  • That being said, I was very surprised to get our first power bill of the summer and it was only $140 (according to comments on local forums, some people have been getting $400+ power bills already this summer!).
  • Happy Father's Day to all of you dads out there!
  • Here are some good freebies for students this summer: free bowling, free Planet Fitness passes, and a bunch of freebies for the whole family!
  • I was very happy to see Princess Kate make a public appearance yesterday!  With no proof of life for a solid six months, people (myself included) were thinking she was dead or in a coma.  I am very happy that that isn't the case as she is my favorite out of the entire royal family now that Queen Elizabeth has passed.
  • I hope you all are enjoying a wonderful summer!


  1. My teens have used the Planet Fitness freebie many times - such a great option. Congrats on passing your audits! (Hawaii Planner)

    1. Thanks, and I had never heard of the Planet Fitness offer so I am glad kids are using it!

  2. Congratulations on your audits. What are the people saying now that she is alive? I had no doubt she was ill just like she said.

    1. Thanks! I think everyone was glad to see Kate was looking hale and healthy. This is what they are saying now

  3. Hi This is Chris. How are the kitties?

    1. Unfortunately, one was hit by a car and one we never saw again (I am hoping someone took him in as a pet). Mom cat is pregnant again so it looks like more kittens will be on the way (then we need to figure out how to trap her and get her fixed!).

  4. Congrats on passing your audits! I can remember having to do them at my previous job and they were so stressful! I was also so happy to see Princess Kate! She really does look good for all that she is having to endure. Yikes on the heat! We are still in the 90’s, but the real feel yesterday was 109 and it was awful! Makes me wonder what July and August will fell like. 😟

    1. I hope July and August will be less 110+ temps but I think that is wishful thinking in our area!
