Thursday, November 21, 2024

10 Things from This Week

In no particular order...

  1. Let's hope we don't get dragged into WW III (Biden approved landmines in Ukraine, Putin fired back by launching ICBMs...this won't end well for anyone).
  2. Things on the jobs front look pretty bleak (my friend who is on the verge of layoff has applied to dozens of jobs which she is eminently qualified for and she has had all of her applications declined for no stated reasons.  Then I saw this lady's video and...yikes).
  3. Then in several meetings this week, the state and federal funding people are all on edge...they have no idea what will happen to their budgets with new state and federal leadership and they all looked like they were bracing for the worst. 
  4. My hard and fast financial rules in these tough economic times: live below your means, keep a fully funded emergency fund, and be 100% debt free.
  5. Also coming up in meetings this week: be prepared for weather disasters no matter where you live (a few states just got walloped with storms and the power is still out in many areas days later) and take precautions against the rising incidents of respiratory infections (wash your hands often, stay away from people when sick, vaccinate your kids for common childhood illnesses like whooping cough, etc).
  6. Prepare for Thanksgiving (our local grocery stores have a lot of deep discounts on holiday items like vegetables, meat, and canned goods so we will be making a haul this weekend to shore up our food stockpiles...and for our tiny Thanksgiving dinner).
  7. Formula 1 racing is happening this weekend in Las Vegas.  I can't believe people will be driving 200mph down the Las Vegas Strip (and we won't be watching it either because it is #1 too expensive for tickets, and #2, way too many people in one place to watch the race).
  8. Here are some amusing 'Weird History' pictures.
  9. Black Friday deals are all over the place anytime I open my browser...I'm trying to resist since this is 'No Spend November' but it is difficult...
  10. Finally, Christmas is just around the corner and while we usually just send cash to the kids and grandkids, some of these super cheap Black Friday deals might just end up in Christmas stockings of friends and family this year.

1 comment:

  1. I was impressed by the woman's video. However, it was scary.
