Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Goal Update and a Cool Link

First, a quick goal update:
  • Goal #8, sing on Wowowee, is now impossible since the show was cancelled. Wowowee was a really popular TV show in the Philippines which featured singers, dancers, game show segments, the opportunity for "regular people" to win lots of money, audience interaction, and the opportunity to showcase your talent to the world. Last time we were in the Philippines we were in the audience of the show and a friend said that I should sing (in Tagalog, the Filipino language) on the show since I had sung the night before at a nightclub in Manila with a couple of famous Filipino singers; the idea of singing on TV at the time was pretty terrifying so I declined. Then I thought that I should have done it because it would have been something unique to do so I added it to my list of this year's goals since we planned to be in PI anyway. Unfortunately, even though the show was super popular, the TV station and the host of the show had some kind of falling out and the show was cancelled with about a week's notice. Bummer. Anyway, the idea isn't totally gone, when we go to the Philippines in the fall, I may still "showcase my talent" on TV somehow.

  • Goal #13 is completed. I just received my renewed passport in the mail and I am ready to visit the world!

And here's a cool link...A visual height/weight chart.

p.s. I am going back to my "health month" habits. For the last week, after I finished my health month, I went back to my daily Starbucks drinks and eating junk food and I am feeling awful. I need to jump back on the health bandwagon!

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