Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3 of My Challenge...Utter Fail

The long and short of it:
  • No Spend Challenge: $56 for our storage unit (pretty necessary), $12.95 at a local Asian store for stuff we didn't really need, $1 for a banana and tangerine because I forgot to bring a snack with me and I got hungry, $17.56 at In and Out Burger because we took our friends there for dinner.  FAIL
  • Paleo Challenge: See the In and Out Burger above.  FAIL
tl;dr I suck at challenges and have no will power...zero, nada, zilch. Ayayay


  1. I hope day 4 is better! I haven't been doing the greatest either.

  2. Oh goodie, oh goodie a friend, see I am not so bad! I hope Carla reads your blog, Hey, Carla sis you see this?

  3. Hit the reset button. Start over again! You can do it! Maybe you can set smaller, more achievable goals? Like 3 days, then a week, then 10 days, etc.

  4. Today's another day - good luck with your challenge!


  5. Just came upon your blog from My 1/2 Dozen Daily. Just wanted to say that one day is no biggie for a fail. I love that you were honest and didn't sugar coat anything!!! Keep going at it (I haven't even had nerve to start!)

  6. Thanks ladies for being so supportive!

  7. You just need to reset your goals! Why not go for 2 no spends a week or something? Figure out what'll work for you & run with it! :)
