Sunday, February 12, 2012

What the Heck is Wrong With Me???

I posted last week about some dental pain I was having and now I think there is a bigger problem.  After the dental pain went away, I woke up the next day with literally the entire right side of my body having a weird feeling on my skin.  It was like hot and cold and tingly patches but when I looked at my skin it looked perfectly normal.  I thought I was having a stroke so I did a quick stroke test (again do-it-yourself-medicine) and I seemed fine (gait was normal, smile was even, lifted arms and both were even, grabbed hubby's hands and both grips were even).  I didn't run to the doctor immediately because all of my systems seemed fine (breathing fine, blood pressure fine, blood sugar fine, bones fine, muscles fine, no headache, no joint pain).  Then, of course, I Googled away and found this and this which sound exactly like my symptoms. 
So I am guessing that it may be a vitamin deficiency (my diet has been crap lately), a virus (which I kind of thought when the dental pain went away so quick...sometimes viruses move around your body and I did have a wart on my finger recently when I got rid of which is caused by a virus), MS (which kind of freaks me out because my mom had severe MS towards the end of her life), environmental toxins (too many to list in the area we recently moved to), stress (I really have no reason to stress but literally every day in Las Vegas makes me stressed so I'm thinking I might not like to live here), something I picked up in Asia when we were traveling, or nerve damage from a few huge bruises I had on my right leg after we moved here (I fell over a fence on New Years and it left a half dozen huge bruises on my leg and before that I gave myself a huge bruise when we were moving furniture.
So tomorrow I will call my doctor in Seattle and I am sure she will tell me to see a neurologist.  I would like to fly back up to Seattle because medical care there is really excellent and my doctor is great but since we are officially living in Las Vegas I am thinking I should probably find a doctor here.  The good thing is that we have good insurance that covers just about everything, anywhere we are.  The bad thing is...I am not a fan of doctors, clinics, hospitals, medical tests, etc. and would be happy with a nice naturopathic cure for whatever this is.  Yikes.


  1. Oh my goodness! I hope you are okay. Please keep us updated!

  2. That really stinks. I hope you find out what's wrong!

  3. I hope it is nothing too serious,

    Gill in Canada

  4. Yes, please see a dr! Can you go somewhere faster to get a full round of bloodwork done for now? Will add you to my prayers. ((hugs))

  5. Thanks for all of the well wishes...Im going to find a GP here in Vegas today so I can get a referral to a neurologist ASAP!

  6. I hope you are feeling better!

  7. It's Thursday...we haven't heard from you yet.....worrying!

  8. I have up and down days, i was diagnosed with depression last year and the counsellor at the doctors seems to think i'm better but i don't think i am because i still get days where i have no energy whatsoever to get up or do anything and when i want to kill myself, also i wasn't completely truthful with him about how i was feeling because i didn't really want to bother him with my problems.
    One minute i can be fine, laughing and be happy then for absolutely no reason i'm so low that i want to kill myself.
