Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I Need to Earn $670 STAT!

After going back and forth with my pain-in-the-ass computer, trying to find website development freeware (there were a few that were OK, none great), and debating about the wisdom of buying a new computer (which would allow me to load my old website development software) I went and did it.  I bought a new fancy smancy computer (14" HP with a 4g processor, 750g hard drive, Intel i5 processor, etc).
And after hours and hours of loading software, updating the new computer, etc. it is working like a dream.  The only slight glitch--there are two actually--is that it cost me $670.21(!!).  The second glitch is that I can't load my MS Office Pro software on it because I don't have the product code for it.  To buy that software it would cost around $500 but I got my last copy from a non-profit I used to work for so it only cost around $21.  Fortunately the new computer has starter Word and starter Excel which are the main programs I use.  Now the only thing missing is MS Publisher but I think there are open source software that is similar to Publisher--and free.
Which brings me to the $670 that I need to earn by next month.  Since my old computer was limping along (except that it made the websites I uploaded look like someone bombed those particular web pages) it wasn't a crisis crisis so taking the money out of the emergency fund to buy the new computer, which I did, didn't exactly constitute an emergency.  Therefore I told hubby I would replace the $670.21 by the end of April--the only problem is that I don't work.  Soooo I am going to need to do something to get that money back into our emergency fund and I have about six weeks to do it. Yikes!!  Looks like I need to do another money earning challenge next month!


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing how you come up with the money! I may just follow suit as I could always use a challenge to get my money growing.

  2. I know you will come up with something!!1
