Sunday, May 6, 2012

Three More Goals Knocked Off!

Just a quick are three more goals that I have knocked off the list (and still, I can't believe I am actually completing the 30 goals in 30 days that I set for myself and I haven't quit yet!!).

First, I went on a volksmarch yesterday.  I absolutely love volksmarching--the people you meet are fascinating and you get to chat with a bunch of people for the two hours or so it takes to complete the 10k walk.  Plus you get to traverse neighborhoods and trails that you never knew existed as the clubs like to put together wonderful walks that highlight their area (like this picture below where we walked...who would have known that the flash flood channel would be so beautifully landscaped?!).

And then this morning I headed downtown to do the reddit meet up which is also on the goal list.  Last month I tried to meet up with this group but I couldn't figure out which people at the coffeehouse were with the group--I asked a few people and they had no idea what I was talking about--so I just left.  This morning there were only three people in the whole place and I waited for a bit, even asked the other people if they were redditors, and no luck.  So while I didn't accomplish this goal, I did make the effort (twice!) so I am scratching it off my list.  Here is a picture I took just outside of the coffee shop.

Finally, 'interview a stranger' is on my goal list.  As I was exiting the coffee shop this morning I ran into this nice couple.  The lady started talking to me so I thought 'why not interview her?' since this is still one of my goals.  So we stood there and chatted for a while and I found out a bunch of things about her.  She is from Louisiana, she finds that people in Las Vegas aren't nearly as friendly as people in the south (I completely agree with that sentiment!), her boyfriend is a veteran, they seem to be a bit down and out right now, and she hopes to live with her daughter in Texas soon.  One nice thing about Las Vegas is that many people are very nice and friendly in person.  Also I've noticed that the Fremont area is a really good place to strike up a conversation with people.  Another sentiment expressed by the lady, and which I totally agree with, is that Vegas can be very hard on people who come here with little and hope to make a good life for themselves.


  1. Very cool especially the last goal!

  2. Wow! Walking 10K. Impressive!

  3. Good grief. I havent been on a volksmarch since my younger years in germany-good for you. I suppose I should see if there are any near me, but my knee would probably shoot that down.
