Tuesday, April 28, 2020


We went to Costco this morning, arriving about 20 minutes after the store opened.  The parking lot looked pretty full but there was no line.  I'd heard that the Costcos often had lines because they only let so many people into the store at one time.  Apparently the store we went to didn't get the message because the place was packed!

I went straight to the toilet paper and was happy to get some since there was less than a half pallet left of the stuff.  At least the store was limiting sales to one bundle of toilet paper per Costco card so that kept people from hoarding it.  Then we went by the meat department and it was utter madness.  Overall, people in the store seemed cranky, impatient, and others, completely unaware of their surroundings as they literally ran into other people with their carts.  ayayay

The store looked really well stocked compared to the Sam's Club we went to yesterday so we picked up some other things we wanted and even though the checkout lines were kind of long, we got through pretty fast.  I didn't even take time to take any pictures, I wanted to get my stuff and get out!

I may go 100% home delivery after that experience.  It certainly wasn't the enjoyable experience we usually have when shopping at Costco, and even though we have been pretty isolated with staying at home for more than a month, I don't really miss being around people at all.


  1. One of us goes grocery shopping once a week. It's not a pleasant experience. I think it's because we are leaving the comfort and safety of our home where life is somewhat normal and then we are faced with reality where we see masked humans and arrows on the floor. I went this past Monday and it was alarming how some items are just plain sold out. Each time I go it seems worse. Canned goods seemed to be the latest thing to disappear along with most cleaning products. I was lucky to get a package of toilet paper. I almost felt like I was shopping at a store in the Handmaid's Tale and I got really freaked out. Then I took it home and had to sanitize it all. It's truly a stressful experience.

    1. I totally agree. I was happy to see that Costco was so well stocked but there are so many things we've always taken for granted that if we wanted to buy them we easily could like hair trimmers or canning supplies or even flour, which have all suddenly disappeared from both stores and online. Sad and scary!

  2. I had planned to only shop for my mother-in-law, but then grabbed a few things we needed, and pretty soon, I had our weekly shop in my cart. Unfortunately I couldn't get Clorox wipes still for her, and the ground beef she wanted (she is still looking at the sales-face palm) was sold out, but she said she didn't need. Me, I just look quick for what I know we need, and if something pops out. I can't see myself going anywhere with crowds for a long time-no Walmarts, Sams Club etc. as I would be a wreck.

    1. I know how you feel. I used to not mind shopping but now I have a list and practically race through the stores to grab what I need and get out ASAP! Glad you get all of your shopping down so easily!

  3. I went 3 weeks ago to Costco here in Canada, yes there were lineups and people limits and I felt safe shopping there although no one was wearing masks except us and one or two others. Then we went Saturday afternoon. Same lineup, was a little busier as was daytime, but this time every worker had a mask and more people did. I felt a lot better about that - wish all stores would do that now.

    1. The good news is that Costcos, in the US at least, are going to require everyone in the store to have masks on beginning next week. Hopefully this all passes quickly!
