Thursday, May 18, 2023

Too. Much. Change.

I like change that is slow and incremental, not the kind of change that comes at you like a Mac truck.  But so far, this year has been full of dramatic--and often not so great--changes of all kinds, including...

  • Hubby's sister passed away unexpectedly :(
  • My best friend passed away really really unexpectedly :( :(
  • In fact, I know of more than a dozen people who have passed away unexpectedly so far this years which, even though I am getting older, has never happened before in my life, having this many deaths in such a short period of time.
  • I went from several years of quiet retirement to a full-time, running-like-my-hair-is-on-fire job in a matter of hours.  I'm still loving the job though.
  • My 92 year old friend who was super sharp and alert at the beginning of the year, went into a sudden cognitive decline that was remarkable in its speed and just very sad for all who know her.  Fortunately her daughter realized what was happening (probably because of the sheer number of calls about her mother from myself and several other friends who were concerned about her) so she came into town, sold the house, packed up all of her mother's stuff, and moved her across the country in record time.
  • My wonderful neighbors who have the best kids and are the best Indian food cooks ever, suddenly packed up and moved in less than a week.  The husband does contract work all over the world and while they aren't moving far, just relocating to LA, I am really going to miss chatting with the family, baking treats for their kids, and eating the wife's amazing food!
  • Trying to get hubby care from the VA and military medical system is way more difficult since they made "system improvements" in order to offer "better care".  Complete BS of course since calling into the pharmacy took three hours last week, pushing his case through the system to get him new hearing aids took several calls to the patient advocate and months of waiting for appointments, and getting a referral doctor to even answer their phones almost never happens.  So much for "improvements".
  • And don't even get me started on the seismic shift in people's attitudes, driving ability, and ability to handle stress over the past couple years...


  1. I'm so sorry. That's a tremendous amount of loss & grief. Please make sure you take care of yourself. It's hard when the world around you changes so drastically, & can really make you feel unsettled. Internet hugs & good thoughts to you, as you process the grief.

  2. The sudden and unexpected deaths are quite alarming, especially when they happen to people your age or even younger than you. I know someone who just lost their spouse to a sudden cardiac event. The whole world, society, everything is changing very fast and it seems to be in a spiral. Very scary.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking the world is going crazy!

  3. So sorry for all of the loss and changes. I can relate because it has been that way here so far this year also. A number of unexpected deaths, friends moving away, the world gone mad...take care of yourself. I'm glad you're enjoying the job.

    1. Thanks. So sorry you are going through so much change too!

  4. I read in the obituaries everyday of people I knew who died. Some are friends. Some are siblings of friends of my children. Some are younger and some much older than I. However, the friends dying are the most shocking. It is like my world grows smaller.
    Calls come in everyday from someone with Medicare plans that are better. The one I tried was a nightmare.
    When I got a divorce, my two closest friends up and moved. I really needed those friends.
    There are lots more crazies out there, of that I am sure. I am so happy your job is something you love.

    1. I am seeing my pool of friends shrinking as well and it is very disturbing. I hope you are surrounded by some good friends to help you out when needed.
