Monday, August 21, 2023

We Have Cats

We still have feral cats.  According to our city's animal shelter it is a good idea to feed and water the cats (which we do) and to catch them and get the vaccinated and fixed (good luck with that...the minute we open the door they are all off like rockets!).  I emailed to ask if they have people who will catch the cats but so far no response from them.  I would like to know the cats aren't carrying rabies and won't go on to get pregnant every several months.

The past few days have been super rainy and stormy here, but fortunately it wasn't as bad as the news said it would be so that was good, but we did end up with a bunch of wet cats.  Generally they stop by in the morning for food and occasionally a few will show up in the evening for food but yesterday we had six cats show up (two we've never seen before).  I'm not sure where they go during the day but I am guessing maybe the storm drains in order to stay out of the heat.  Since that wasn't an option yesterday due to the river running through the nearby washes, and since they looked so bedraggled in the rain, I built them a small shelter.  I know nothing about cats but they seemed to like to be out of the rain.  


  1. Hi, this is Chris who comments on Sluggy’s blog sometimes. Thanks for letting us know you are ok with the hurricane. I was thinking of you when they said Las Vegas would get rain. And God bless you for taking care of the kitties.

  2. That's a really sweet thing to do. The pictures are adorable.

  3. I bought a live trap and put it out. The police came by and collected the cage, got the cats out and brought the cage back. I was only two blocks from the station. They expect able-bodied people to do it themselves. Animal Control has cages, but you have to wait for those to be available. It was easier to just buy a cage. I caught 8 feral cats in a week, plus a litter of kittens with one mama. The ran and hid, we caught Mama and made sure those kittens belonged to her. These cats were so numerous and reproduced rapidly. The situation was getting critical.
    I love the shelter, two storied. I am quite sure they will tell more friends.

  4. You are so kind. Thank you for helping the kitties. Breaks my heart they do not have a home.

  5. Thank you for taking care of the kitties. You have such a big heart!

  6. That is so sweet of you to take care of the cats. They look quite happy in that bottom picture.

  7. You can google TNR (trap, neuter and return) groups in your area. They can tell you about the services in your area, who has traps you can borrow, and if there are grants for help with the payments for the surgeries. Many groups do offer financial support to help the cats. I have been TNR'ing in my are for several years. Hope this helps! :-)
