Saturday, August 26, 2023

10 Things from This Week

In no particular order...

  1. Obligatory cat picture above.  They are very photogenic yet very anti social.  I know nothing about cats (we've always had dogs) so I have no idea why they will sit outside the sliding door and stare at me working for hours yet the moment I open the door, they run away like their tails are on fire.  If I have the responsibilities of taking care of cats, I would at least like to pet them!
  2. Here is a great post about anti-consumption stuff.  I particularly liked #12.
  3. We watch cooking shows on TV which sometimes inspires me to try new things.  Earlier this week on 'You Gotta Eat Here' one of the restaurants featured made mashed potato waffles.  So I tried making them.  They were just OK even though the people on the show raved about them. 

  4. I love Kipling bags but I don't buy them in the regular stores because there are expensive (usually $75+). often has them on sale but I try not to shop online much so I was very surprised to see these Kipling backpacks which retail for around $125 each on sale for $40 each as Ross today.  I bought two because the price was so good so I will probably put one in the gift box to give to someone who needs it.  

  5. Tomorrow when I get time I will pull my free annual credit reports.  Even though I have a credit freeze on each report provider, I suddenly have been inundated with spam email for credit and shopping stuff so I figured now is as good a time as any to make sure everything is good with my credit reports.
  6. Bob Barker passed away today.  He was 99 and a cultural icon.  RIP Bob.
  7. A pet peeve: I was getting my coffee drink at Baskin Robbins a few days ago and a mom was there with three girls aged about 4 to 10.  The mom had her face buried in her phone the entire time and the kids looked quiet and sad while they ate their ice cream.  I hate it when parents would rather interact with their phones than their kids.
  8. A couple of good reddit subs for finding deals here and here.
  9. This lady is super inspirational if you are thinking about growing a garden.
  10. Finally, I have a feeling the upcoming presidential election is going to be an absolute nightmare.


  1. The cats are actually being very friendly for feral cats. They are getting accustomed to you. Running away is how they stay safe. Try putting out food and just sitting in a chair VERY STILL. It will take a long time to gentle them. Put the food far from you and once they come to it with you outside, move it six inches closer every time you feed them.
    This election will be a mess!
    Try a brownie mix in the waffle iron.

    1. That sounds wonderful! I will definitely try brownies in the waffle maker!

  2. Leave the cage outside with food in it if you wish to catch them. It may take several tried before one will go into the cage.

    1. I am still waiting for an email about getting the cages. Our county's animal rescue organization is completely overwhelmed.

  3. I tried the mashed potatoes in the waffle iron and they were just OK. I did try left over stuffing last Thanksgiving and topped with turkey and a spicy maple syrup. That was delicious.

  4. I live in Calif & in regards to your #10, our governor is already stirring up controversy for the upcoming election. Gavin Newson (Dem) is planning on debating Florida governor DeSantis (Rep). Apparently Karmala Harris & the main democratic party are not happy with this situation. No one knows if our president will actually run again or pull out at the last moment & the democratic party wants to run the VP in his place, if that happens. But yet, she's not as popular as Newson here in Calif, so potentially, she could have issues winning. Plus DeSantis is only popular in Florida & a few other places, so if the debate does happen, it will be very interesting to see who comes out on top & where the chips fall afterwards. And no matter what happens, we all know that Trump will make everything all about him.

    1. It's going to be a crazy election. So far my vote would be "none of the above".

  5. Can you give an update on your job? Last I remember, you expected an offer. How did it go?

    1. Work is wonderful, I am permanent now, it is completely work from home, and the pay is AMAZING. This might be the first job I have ever LOVED!

    2. So happy for you!
