Sunday, October 29, 2023

Long Time No Post

Time is flying by this month!  Work is great (except for one little panic-inducing incident where I looked around for the adult in the room to give me guidance on what I should do then quickly realized I was the adult that needed to make some critical decisions.  Everything worked out fine but this is one of many times that I would have liked to ask my friend whose job I am doing what I should do because she always had the right answers...).

The cats are still fine except we are missing three of them.  There were six cats who regularly showed up to eat and now there are three so I don't know where the other three went.  Maybe someone caught them and turned them in to the local feral cat rescue?  Maybe they found someone else to feed them?  I hope they are safe somewhere!  The weather is getting colder, the tourists are getting more plentiful (there are A LOT of big events in Vegas between now and Christmas), and we are looking forward to giving out candy to all of the kids on Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. I hope the cats are okay, wherever they are. With feral cats, I always wonder. It is easy to get attached. We went out to look at decorations, and they are all dark. I wonder if Halloween night is the only night they are turning them on.
