Thursday, November 30, 2023

I'm Trying to Be Joyful But... has been a day...
  • On a happy note, it is our 33rd anniversary today!  I looked at my last post and saw that I put it was our 34th anniversary but it is definitely our 33rd.  I guess the years just blend together now.  Oddly enough, hubby makes me a card each year and on his card he put that it was our 32nd anniversary.
  • A couple of cats came back yesterday.  I was happy to see them again this morning until I opened the back door and saw that a large bird had been shredded all over the back porch.  The cats seemed oblivious to the carnage, they just wanted to be fed.  I was horrified and tasked hubby with getting rid of the bird pieces.  These two cats are always afraid of the birds that eat their food so I am not sure who/what did this.  eeekkk
  • Then I turned on the news and saw that two state patrol officers had been killed in a hit and run this morning while trying to help a stranded motorist.  How truly awful and sad.  I can't imagine the pain their families and fellow officers are feeling now. :(
  • Next--simultaneously--I was trying to guide hubby through the traffic mess of the freeway closure for the crash investigation because he had a poker tournament to get to in that same area so I was texting him on one phone, texting a couple of our Exec Board members on my other phone because they had to march themselves down to our organization's bank since the bank was less than helpful over the phone in order to take care of a few pressing issues, and I had a Zoom meeting going on with a speaker I had set up who ended up giving the wrong presentation (he is new so I didn't say anything, let him talk, and tried to bring the discussion back to the original probably sounded like I had lost my mind but the guy was literally hired a couple weeks ago so I didn't want him to crash and burn on his first major presentation).  ayayay
  • Everything got sorted--hubby got to his tournament, the bank issues got fixed, and the meeting came to a graceful end so I went out to the garage and somehow slammed my fingers in the door.  How that happened I have no idea.  The fingers were puffy for a few hours but seem better now.
  • Hubby said he would pick me up and take me out to dinner after the tournament and I said no, just bring me food (we had already went to a nice restaurant last night for our anniversary).  If I leave the house the sky might fall or something so I am currently listening to classical music and trying to calm tf down.
p.s. YouTube is loaded with calming classical music.


  1. Happy Anniversary! Whew! I’m so sorry today was rough. I do hope your fingers are much better by now. Glad to hear the kitties came back, but yes, dead birds are not a welcomed sight! I know they say cats bring them as a gift, but noooo thank you! Haha!

  2. Slamming the door on your fingers was the icing on your crazy cake day. After the blog entry I wrote on my blog late last night, I was too upset and did not sleep all night. And, I did have soothing music on! Really, it is too bad about the officers.

    1. I hope you are feeling better and are able to sleep!
