Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Preparing for Thanksgiving

We will have our usual, simple Thanksgiving meal at home on Thursday.  I have all of the "fixins" ready to prepare, I will bake pies and desserts tomorrow, and this morning, I went to our local deli and got a pound of thick-sliced roasted turkey (our usual shortcut which is much simpler and efficient over cooking a big turkey when there are only the two of us).  We might have hubby's cousin join us for our Thanksgiving meal which will be nice (she doesn't like holidays but I told her we were making a simple lunch at home on Thursday and she was welcome to come over and eat with us and she surprisingly said she would come over).  In other news...

  • I still have no idea why the feral cats will sit for hours outside the kitchen door and just stare at me while I work in the kitchen.  They are well fed so I don't know what else they want!
  • Apparently Target is offering a complete Thanksgiving meal for four for only $25 (which I think is a bargain as whole turkeys seemed to be $35 and up in the grocery stores this year).
  • The 'Black Friday' deals have been relentless over the past couple weeks (fortunately we don't need anything so I am ignoring ALL of them!).
  • One day I was scrolling Roku's 'Live TV' section and landed on the TV show 'Love After Lock Up' and was immediately transfixed by it (and subsequently binged an entire season).  It was like watching a slow motion trainwreck where you don't want to watch but can't help yourself.  I'm not sure what the attraction is but hubby was as eagerly watching as I was.  Spoiler, you can look up the people from season one who died after filming.  Sad.
  • It seems like most of the YouTube channels I subscribe to have gone from informational and entertaining to long-running advertisements.  Nearly every video is either loaded with ads or has so many "sponsorship" call-outs during the video that the videos are hard to watch now.  So now I throw on the headphones and instead of watching the channels I subscribe to, I just listen to long classical music videos while I work or do other things.  It's very relaxing.
I wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Ahh! Haha! Love those sweet kitties! My strays will often sit on the ledge of our back sliding glass door and watch me for hours, too. Your Thanksgiving plans sound great! And like you, I haven't so much as looked at a Black Friday ad. I'm so over that mess. We will be spending the day after Thanksgiving at home, probably decorating for Christmas. I do hope y'all have a good time! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Maybe the cats are sizing you up for a good meal when you die.
    I baked a turkey breast two or more weeks ago and froze it. I also cooked and froze cranberry sauce I made from fresh berries, sweet potatoes that I peeled and baked and mashed. I made gravy today. Tomorrow, I will make green bean casserole and pumpkin pie. If I don't get homemade dressing made, I will resort to Stove Top that is waiting. There are other things for the holiday, but I will make them one at a time for meals next week with the turkey and dressing.

    1. That's a good idea to cook holiday dishes over a few days instead of all at once. Also your cat comment made me LOL!

  3. Cats seem to pick their owner and those cats are now yours. All of my cats sit and stare at me. Some call it curiosity, and love. But it can feel weird. Yeah for the inexpensive Thanksgiving. I work with a lovely young woman who doesn't qualify for anything, so I told her about it.
    If you ever see Pitbulls and Parolees, give it a watch. A little less of a train wreak, but still a great show.

    1. Apparently I like reality shows now so I will definitely check it out.
