Saturday, August 3, 2024

5 Financial Things

In no particular order...

  1. Tipping culture needs to die.  I was at the grocery store today and there was a tip jar at each cashier station (see photo above).  Since when are we expected to tip the person that rings up our groceries?? I mean, that is their job!
  2. Tomorrow (Sunday) is a free entrance day to the National Parks!
  3. And here are 50(!) subscription scams to be aware of.
  4. I'm surprised people still aren't familiar with Mint Mobile.  We have used Mint Mobile for several years now and it works perfectly for us.  And at $15 a month, that's an extreme bargain for a cell phone plan.
  5. I just heard about Freeosk Kiosk and while I haven't tried it yet (I literally heard about it five minutes ago), it definitely looks like something to check out!


  1. I have used the Freosk Kiosk. It is pretty neat.

    1. Wow I'd never heard of it but I plan to try it this week...such a cool idea!

  2. Tipping the grocery store checkout is wild. I've never seen that here. (Hawaii Planner)
