Thursday, August 1, 2024

More Cat Pictures

Our feral cats have decided they want to be indoor cats (although they still don't want us anywhere near them and once we closed the door not knowing one cat was hiding under the table and she literally freaked out--bouncing off the slider, the table, the chairs, the was quite shocking to us and the cat!). Now instead of leaving during the day to go stay somewhere cool, they just sit outside the door and look hot and sad until we let them in.


  1. Bless you for letting them in. I am trying so hard to get our stray to come in. It will just take time I guess.

    1. We just open the slider a little (hubby put up a curtain to try keep most of the cool air in), put some food and water near the door, then leave the room and they come in. They don't really want us in the room with them since they are afraid of any sudden movements, etc.
