Tuesday, September 24, 2024

10 Things from This Week...The Mildly Annoyed Edition

In no particular order...

  1. Food prices are still ridiculously high (who pays $7+ for 12 ounces of potato chips????).  

  2. People are still annoying AF.  I've lost count of how many times people drive like lunatics, or come to an immediate stop when I am walking behind them at the store so they can do something on their phone (they don't even pull their cart to the side, they just stop in the middle of the aisle so no one can pass them and do stuff on their phone without even noticing other people might need to go down the same aisle as them).  Grrrrrr
  3. And then when we went to leave this morning, someone was parked blocking our driveway.  I was on the phone with the tow company when the guy comes down the street and gets mad at ME because I was going to have his car towed for blocking my driveway.  He didn't apologize for blocking my driveway, just stomped over to his car muttering that he wasn't blocking anything and drove away.  Double grrrrr   

  4. Also, the cats are missing.  We haven't seen them for four whole days and we have no idea where they went.  I was hoping they would return after a few days with their ears clipped which means they had been caught, fixed, vaccinated, and returned to their colony but so far there have been no sightings of them which is very sad :(
  5. We are also worried for a few family members who live in Florida, right where the cyclone/hurricane is supposed to hit.  If any of you live in this area, please be careful!!!
  6. On a better note, we have been laser focused on paying off the house and being more frugal than we have been.  I ran across these frugal tips, many of which we have done for ages.
  7. Work is still great if not a bit overwhelming at times (a last-minute project came up...along with a 246 page guidance document for it...ayayay).
  8. My friend sent me the name of a guy she was going to meet up with that she found on a dating app and wanted me to check out.  You would be surprised at how much OSINT information is freely available on the internet about everyone.  I told her to skip this one as a simple search turned up a couple of divorces and several domestic violence arrests.  Eeekkkk
  9. I know a half dozen people who have been furloughed or laid off over the past couple of weeks.  One person every once in a while, is normal, several at once is really concerning!
  10. Finally, from the 'this election is absolutely bonkers' file, we are stepping up our preparedness tasks just in case.


  1. I was sitting in the car, waiting for Tommy to shop at Publix. A family of four crossed to the store, all on their phones. Not one of them looked up, just walked while looking at their phones. The mother was the leader of several teens. Horrifying.
    For forty years I lived by a rent house that had people renting who thought that I was insane for wanting out of my driveway. The parked solidly across. Every renter was the same. One time, people came to look at the rent house, parked IN my driveway and told me they would not be there for long. They walked around my yard, thinking it was the driveway to rent house. They were so stupid they thought that the path to the front door of the house was through the shrubs. I told them I was calling to have their car towed and they cursed me. It was a forty-year nightmare.
    Maybe the cats will return.
    Dating on the internet is crazy. At least she has a name to check out.

  2. I hope nothing bad happened to the cats. With everything going on in this world and how unpredictable things have become we're also doing all we can to prepare for the worst. It sounds like your friend is lucky you checked the guy out.
