Tuesday, September 17, 2024

5 Things from Today

In no particular order... 

  1. These are some scary looking pumpkins!  Or maybe they are some sort of gourd?
  2. Look up in the sky tonight--it is the harvest full moon and partial lunar eclipse!
  3. Today is the first day in several months that we didn't need the AC on 24/7.  We had the doors open all day and didn't turn on the AC until early evening.
  4. For some reason, we have suddenly started going over our 1TB internet limit.  I'm not sure what has changed but I need to investigate this (apparently this happens to other people too).
  5. Finally, a couple days ago, the cat came inside and ate (we don't like to leave the cat's food outside because the pigeons eat their food), then the cat hopped up on the chair under the kitchen table to take a nap.  A few minutes later I heard chewing and thought the other cat came in but when I looked, it was a pigeon that came inside the house to eat the cat's food!  I was flipping out, the bird was flipping out when I came in the kitchen, and the cat jumped off the chair, slid around the flapping bird, and bolted out the sliding glass door.  The bird was repeatedly slamming itself into the slider trying to escape so I grabbed a broom and pushed the door open wide so the bird could leave.  That was too much excitement for me so now we let the cats come in to eat then shoo them out the door so we won't have any more unexpected visitors!

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