Saturday, March 24, 2018

A Reminder...Don't Compare Yourself to Others

I came across this article, 'Being Frugal is for the Rich', and it was a good reminder that no matter where you are on your frugal journey, you should never compare yourself to others.  I love reading blogs on saving money and frugality and the people who write the blogs range from dirt poor to fabulously rich.  I take from these blogs tips and information that I find useful but I also realize that even if I do everything exactly as a fabulously wealthy blogger says to do, I still won't be them and that's OK.  Everyone has dozens and dozens of factors that make their life unique and quite different than everyone else's.

I'm not sure why it is so common to hate on everyone these days.  If the Frugalwoods are successful, no matter if they are self-made or had a lot of help along the way, good for them.  I still like to read their blog posts and learn what I can from them.  I like to read about MMM but his life goals are quite different than mine, however his blog posts are still an interesting read.  Ditto the blogs on the sidebar of this blog...fascinating, fabulous people in all sorts of unique situations.

We are all on our own unique journey but if we can learn a little from each other along the way, that's great!  If we can cheer on others in their successes and offer hope, compassion, and useful tips to those who are currently having a hard time, that's great too.  Life is about sharing and learning from others, not being hateful and comparing ourselves to others and wondering why we aren't doing as well as so and so.  We are doing as well as we can in the situations we find ourselves in and that's fine.  Life is a fascinating journey...

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