Friday, January 11, 2019

It's BMX Nationals Time!

We are fortunate that there are so many free ways to entertain ourselves here in Las Vegas (it's one of the things that retirees appreciate most about retiring here).  Nearly every day there is some free, fun thing to do here which only requires us to get up and get out which is what we did today.  I saw on the calendar that the BMX Nationals are here for the weekend so off we went to check it out.  It was fun to watch and we got to see BMX riders of all ages--from teeny tiny kids to adults--racing their BMX bikes around the track.  We were also pretty surprised to see how much bikes, helmets, shoes, and outfits cost when we went next door to check out the vendors--outfitting an entire family for the sport would cost a small fortune!

On a totally different note, I came across this cool website which shows how people around the world live.  It includes photos of families, how much the household earns per month, what their homes and household items look like, etc.  Check it out!


  1. The boys have done BMX racing before, & have really enjoyed it. To your point, the bikes are expensive!
