Sunday, May 31, 2020

Precisely 2.5 Months of Quarantine

Seriously, I thought 2020 would be a great year full of wondrous possibilities.  So far it has been a really weird year.  We began our self-imposed COVID-19 isolation and quarantine (basically staying home unless we needed to get groceries) precisely two and a half months ago, since then we have endured boredom, supply shortages, food shortages, food prices increasing dramatically, the debate over mask vs no mask, lines for people just to get into stores, filing for unemployment, and the latest, protests in our city which are not pandemic related but seem to be the icing on an already crappy cake.  Fortunately our local protests have been pretty calm, but it seems like the world, or at least our country, is on the fast track to destruction.  Yikes!

Fully a third of our population is unemployed, and our entire state is pretty much funded by casinos and hospitality businesses which will have a tricky return to "normal".  I was really looking forward to working at the WSOP this summer, and hubby and I are putting on the pounds because it seems like all we do is cook and eat!  I miss walking, and it seems like summer came a month early with 100+ degree temps in May.  I'm just waiting for the earthquakes and locusts to show up...

But enough with the pity party.  Hubby and I have actually been really fortunate over the past few months.  We weren't impacted financially by the pandemic, we had plenty of food and supplies, and it was kind of nice to only fill up the gas tank in the car once in more than two months because we stayed closer to home and walked everywhere to do our errands.  I filed for unemployment and will patiently wait for it to shake out, meanwhile some people have gone 12 weeks (!) without any money at all so I really can't complain.  Our casinos are reopening next week, hubby's bowling league is excited to get back to bowling (???), and we have actually saved a lot of money over the last couple months because we haven't been shopping for anything but food.

Since I have literally nothing to do this summer, I have decided to make this the most amazing summer no matter what happens.  I have a plan (sort of), and there are several things I want to accomplish (I'm writing up my list and will post it when it's done).  Here's to a wonderful summer for all of us!


  1. No doubt about it, this has been a different kind time in my lifetime and in the world.

    1. Yep just when I think things can't get any crazier...

  2. I thought this year held promise as well, but alas, not. I too have been home for 11 weeks, doing my part to help flatten he curve, however most people around here are acting like everything is back to normal. It makes me nervous. I put gas in my car yesterday which was the first time in weeks. Luckily we have not been financially impacted other than hubby not being a crossing guard. The city gave all the other essential employees extra money except crossing guards which is unfortunate, but oh well. We will survive....hopefully.

    1. It's been the oddest year in memory and we aren't even half done yet! Hope you stay safe this hurricane season!

  3. It has been a terrible I've got a bloody health issue (which means no wine, no chocolate or anything that helps me cope with everything else). I really feel like crawling into a hole and not coming out. But my hubby, my dog and my yard keeps me sane. I do have a lot to be grateful for. Even though our business is tanking we have zero debt, a home that is paid off over our heads, lots in savings if need be. And I also have the ability to help others financially which I have tried to do in a small way each month this continues. So many are not in our position.

    1. I'm sorry to hear about your health issue and your business, I hope those will both turn around for you soon. The debt free part, though, is a great position to be in during this time!
