Wednesday, June 28, 2023

10 Things from This Week

In no particular order...

  1. The cats are back!  No idea where they went but all four came back and of course we are feeding them because they look so hungry.  And cute.  They are still very antisocial though.  Oddly, none of them know how to meow, only hiss whether they are backing away or coming towards me.  Weird.
  2. I'm glad I bought this running vest for a few dollars at the Goodwill instead of buying a new one for $90.  Turns out I am not a fan--too sweaty, too tight around my torso, rubs the back of my neck.  Buying cheap and used is a great way to try something out before you spend big bucks on a new item. 
  3. This is our neighbors house that went up in flames, oddly, a day after a SWAT stand off at the same house.  And this is a nice neighborhood. smh 
  4. Then there was this horrific murder yesterday.  Also in a good neighborhood.  Seriously, what is this world coming to?
  5. We just set a record for most days below 100 degrees in Las Vegas.  Fortunately/unfortunately, today is should be 100 degrees and on Sunday it should reach 113 degrees!
  6. I got this notice with my insurance renewal.  One little claim and that part of the insurance jumps 50%???? 
  7. FYI, student loan payments are set to resume on September 1st.
  8. This is one of my favorite YouTube channels.  The scenery is beautiful and I wonder what it would be like to live in Maine.  Then I remember I hate being cold...
  9. Here are some cute cat pictures.
  10. And here is an interesting looking freebie site I just came across.


  1. Our cat Binx can meow but he very rarely ever does. He's the first one we've had that is SO quiet. That is crazy on the insurance. Loved all of the cat photo's. Stay cool as it warms up.

    1. Thanks! I didnt know there were cats that didnt meow much or at all...the ones we had years ago were all loud!

  2. I guess the kitties have nothing to meow about. I don't think feral cats meow. Maybe you could meow to them and show them how it is done.
    Crime seems to be so close to us all. It is a shame people have nowhere to be absolutely safe.
    That is a cute vest, but as you describe it, it would be a nightmare for me to wear.

    1. Yes it seems like crime happens everywhere--big cities, small towns, "nice" places, "hood" places, grocery stores, etc. So sad.

  3. Good neighborhood????

  4. That freebie site looks awesome! Thank you! The kitty sure is a cutie. We feed some neighborhood strays, too.
