Saturday, June 24, 2023

Happening This Week

Pretty much the same old and more work.  In other news...

  • I still haven't heard if I will get this job permanently or not.  I think the Board is waiting for finish up the fiscal year/contracts to decide.  Meanwhile they are very hands off and I rarely hear from anyone (I guess if I was messing up I would hear from someone!).
  • I haven't seen any of the cats for two days.  For more than a week they were a permanent fixture and then after feeding them the evening before last, they never came back.  I know there are organizations in my city that trap and vaccinate/sterilize feral cats so I am hoping that's what happened to them.
  • For the first time ever I have more money than I know what to do with.  I'm sure this is a very good problem to have, but there is simply nothing we need.  Years ago when I was doing this job and making bank, I was spending the money faster than I was earning it and we were always in debt.  Living below your means, not having debt, and not buying extraneous stuff means more money in the savings account!
  • My city still has not hit 100 degrees yet which is really weird.  We have been close, in the high 90s, but so far, no 100 degree days yet.  Meanwhile, Texas is getting hammered with hot weather.
  • We have no plans for the 4th of July holiday.  We will just stay home as usual and on the evening of the 4th we will watch the neighbors set off fireworks which are actually more extravagant than the professional fireworks on The Strip (like professional-grade fireworks that you see on TV from cities around the world).  I have no idea where they buy these but they sound like we are under attack and light up a huge portion of the sky!

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. We don’t have any plans for the 4th of July holiday either. Just another day spent at home.
