Monday, August 14, 2023

I Made Pupusas!

One of the things that we started doing during the Covid shutdown was cooking a lot more for ourselves at home.  These days I would much rather cook at home than go out to eat (prices are sky high and the service seems to have hit an all-time low) so even though we still do our "date days", hubby and I like to find things online (mostly via YouTube) that we want to try to cook.  Hubby generally does Filipino food (he followed a YouTube recipe yesterday and made something so salty he could not eat much for accurate recipes...) and I try cooking anything that comes to mind.

I like pupusas but again, the prices for these in local restaurants have practically doubled lately, so I thought I would try to make them at home.  I found a random recipe online and made them (see picture above); hubby said they tasted right but didn't look right!  Then with the leftovers, I made a refried bean/queso fresco/corn/green chili casserole covered with corn bread the following night.  So in addition to saving money by cooking at home, I also try to use up any leftover items before they go bad.

In an unrelated note, this looks like a great way to get free internet for kids in need.

On a cat note, sometimes we have one, two, up to five feral cats stop by for breakfast and some days zero cats show up.  I really don't understand cats.

Finally, what's with all of the fall decor now front and center in the stores?  It's mid August!


  1. The day after the 4th, when I went into Lowe's, a lifetime ghoul was drumming away. It felt so out of place. I have never heard of pupusas. But, I will look at the recipe to see what it is.

    1. Pupusas are like tamales only grilled in a pan. Pretty yummy IMHO!

  2. We only have a few places that the food and service is exceptional so worth the crazy high prices so we also mostly eat at home. I don't mind. At least I know what is in the food. I've even seen Christmas items here already. It's crazy it isn't even Labor day yet. Stay cool.

    1. This year seems to have flown by but I am certainly not ready for Christmas yet!

  3. Well, I have learned something new! I have never heard of pupusas! But, they do sound great!
